as posted on Orrin Hatch's website...
your fight against the BCS is honorable, but unfounded and incorrect. the BCS has clearly improved the clarity of true national champions versus the old bowl system, and i'm not really sure how you can debate this. the perfect scenario is 2 clear cut teams that deserve to be in, but that doesnt always happen, so it becomes subjective. the BCS is a process in determining that. it is always going to be 100% correct? well, that's an opinion, and you're opinion seems to be that it has not been correct. but keep in mind, the BCS never said it was going to be perfect, and they frequently change their system and formula to optimize its performance. by the way, the exact method of how they select the teams is on their website, so any claim that they are secretive about it is false.
also, i'm not really sure what roadblocks you are referring to that some teams have to get over. maybe its that the BCS only selects 2 teams, but nowhere is it written who these 2 teams are going to be, nor what conference from which they represent. if your utah utes want to be in the final BCS championship game, take of business and win your games and hope for a little luck, just like everyone else does. if 10 teams go undefeated next year, 8 of them are going to complain, just like you are doing, that the system is unfair, which it is not. this is the system, and its better than the old bowl system. utah would never win a championship in the old system. the BCS gives the smaller teams more of an opportunity to win a national championship than the old system. boise state, for example is in a prime position to do so. if they win all of their games, and alabama and ohio state lose a game (and don't act like that's impossible), boise state is in. there, that is a completely realistic situation where a non-AQ team can make the championship game. and i, for one BCS supporter, am rooting for boise state so that all of these BCS critics will stop complaining.
utah does not have to participate in the BCS, or even field a football team for that matter. if you are so unhappy with the BCS, then take some real action and protest and give up the football program. the BCS is not illegal so stop trying to make headlines by pretending that it is. the smaller schools already tried this anti-trust path in the early 80's and lost. go ahead and waste taxpayer money by doing it again. and if people were so unhappy with the BCS, wouldnt it stand to reason they would stop going to the games? or stop watching football? they're not.
what if the university of utah wins the BCS championship next year? are you still going to be fighting to change the BCS? probably not, because your team won. just because you're team isn't winning doesn't mean you are right.
thanks! hopefully it is still useful for you! i will be updating this blog much more often, every week is the goal. good luck!