Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Big 12 should add some little teams

The Big 12 needs someone, anyone. A conference that was on the verge of being dismantled just last summer is again on the brink of losing a key member, and doesn't appear to have any sort of plan about how to remain intact. Sure, they can hope that the SEC doesn't actually invite Texas A&M, but with the Aggie brass sending a formal letter to the Big 12 asking about how to properly leave their current conference, the writing is  all over the wall.  The Big 12 has logical options within Texas, but may look too hard for a big name program.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Miami vs SMU

With the litany of accusations hurled against “The U” by Yahoo! Sports and Nevin Shapiro, the drumbeat for the NCAA “Death Penalty” has already begun. The level of detail combined with the library of photographs are extremely damning, especially when one of the photos contains the convicted felon Shapiro alongside University President Donna Shalala and head basketball coach Frank Haith. Will Miami face the “Death Penalty” and be forced to shut down their football program for at least one season? It is obviously too early to say conclusively, but all signs point to a resounding YES.